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Cancer Research Foundation CR
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Why should you support cancer research?
There are number of foundations in Czech Republic and abroad which have established endowment funds, aimed at improving the quality of health care at hospitals, nursing homes, hospices etc. So what makes us different? Cancer Research Foundation CR supports basic cancer research which will bring monumental changes in management of cancer patients, provide new hopes, and improve prospects for early diagnosis and better treatment outcomes.
Cancer of cervix – HPV Screening program:
Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a common virus. Currently, 118 types of HPV are known. Most of them are harmless and the infection will disappear with no symptoms.
What is cancer research all about?
Understanding the beginning of cancer in cells
Searching for whys and wherefores – the turning points of normal cell into a tumor cell – how a tumor cell protects it from the programmed cell death, finds it’s ways of spreading in our body, and defends itself from the action of enemy drugs – factors influencing carcinogenesis – genetic risk of getting cancer etc. It is actually an oriented basic research which brings new knowledge needed to diagnose the exact targets to hit these cells, and kill them by designing the precise drugs.
Fostering novel treatment options and drug repurposing
Effective cancer control is not just about finding and testing new drugs, but the treatment is a complex combination of multiple approaches which lack attention and must be well addressed. These include radiotherapy (e.g. photon and proton radiation treatments), new surgical approaches (e.g. robotic and mini-invasive surgery), new imaging and intervention techniques, which are not a subject of major interest of large pharmaceutical companies, and require support from other resources. Moreover, fostering academic research into the use of existing universal drugs to treat new indications is crucial, as these drugs doesn’t require a patent, and can be made quickly and cheaply available to patients as compared to expensive cancer drugs produced by large pharmaceutical companies.
Improving tumour diagnosis at curable stage
In recent years, improvements in treatment outcomes have not only led to the discovery of novel diagnostic techniques which enable early detection of tumors at curable stage, but have also led to a better understanding of the biological basis for optimal treatment strategies (sometimes called personalised medicine). New methods of imaging and molecular diagnostics further allow monitoring of disease dynamics and response to treatment, and hence timely change of ineffective or toxic treatment regimens.
Preventing disease and prolonging life
Prevention is better than cure; a universal truth. But, the research to discover novel cancer prevention strategies such as better setup of screening programs, improving lifestyle, discovering ways to reduce the risk of infection by carcinogenic viruses or bacteria, looking for chemo-preventive drugs etc. still lack attention and funding support.